Why is Anafranil Clomipramine used for? Clomipramine dosage and side effects

Anafranil Clomipramine

Why you should use Anafranil Clomipramine:

Anafranil Clomipramine is a drug which can be used for treating people with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), but there are also other cases where this drug can be used. This drug is an antidepressant which helps in increasing some brain chemicals such as serotonin and as a result it can decrease the obsessive compulsive behaviors.

Why not to use Anafranil Clomipramine:

  • When you have allergy from any of Anafranil Clomipramine ingredients.
  • When you have used Linezolid last 14 days.
  • When you have taken monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) last 14 days
  • When you recently had a heart attack.

Usage of Clomipramine:

  • First of all, this drug has a medication guide as every other drug.
  • Should be taken after eating a meal, in order to avoid stomach upset.
  • Missing a dose should be replaced by taking it as soon as possible, but if the time to take the next dose came, you should skip it.

Clomipramine side effects and safety info:

  • By the time that you use Clomipramine, there can appear signs of blurred vision and drowsiness. These side effects may increase when you use alcohol, or other certain drugs which can impact.
  • Don't get heated by sun more than recommended in summer.
  • When you use Clomipramine, suicidal thoughts may appear or increase, especially at teenagers. Contact hte doctor urgently if this sign appears.
  • Serotonin syndrome is most likely to appear when you use this drug. If symptoms like diarrhea, hallucinations, irregular heartbeats etc  appear, you should again contact your doctor
  • You should make regular eye checks to your oculist doctor,, because this drug can also cause problems with seeing.
  • For old people this drug should be taken with caution, because it increases the chances of heard related problems.
  • Although it is not said that Clomipramine can harm the fetus, however you should contact your doctor before taking the drug during you pregnancy.


Anafranil Clomipramine is a drug that is used to treat OCD, but it has a various side effects. Elderly people and children under 10 years old should take it with caution. As a result if any of the side effects appear, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Read also about Obsessive compulsive disorder, its symptoms and most common compulsions

What is Jerusalem Syndrome and Its types or conditions

Hi friends, In this post we will tell you what is Jerusalem Syndrome and three of its types. So lets start:
What is Jerusalem syndrome

What is Jerusalem Syndrome

Jerusalem syndrome is a psychological phenomenon that often appears to people who had signs of psychopathy when they travel to Jerusalem. When these people arrive there they become psychotic. Although this phenomenon is not a result of any certain religion, however it had an impact and has affected Christians, Jews and Muslims of too many different backgrounds. Some people think that it may also appear to people who didn't have mental illnesses or signs of psychopathy, but in a research conducted  about this syndrome proved that all the people who were diagnosed with Jerusalem syndrome, were previously experiencing psychopathy signs / problems.

History of Jerusalem Syndrome

This phenomenon was also regarded as a hysteria form. Heniz Herman, the founder of modern psychiatric research in Israel described it for the first time. Religious places such as Mecca or Rome have also had cases of this phenomenon. From 2000 and in the continuing years the cases of Jerusalem syndrome have increased.

Types / Conditions of Jerusalem Syndrome 

People who suffered from Jerusalem syndrome seem to be of three different types, in spite of their behaviors and acts. Below is given the explanation of these three types of Jerusalem Syndrome.

  1. In the first type of Jerusalem syndrome includes the people who think of themselves as an important religious figure. This case often appears to people who have had a psychotic illness previously.
  2. People who get obsessed by idiosyncratic ideas. This form of Jerusalem syndrome can be a simple obsession with the city of Jerusalem and it is not necessarily a form of a mental illness.
  3. People who have had a mental illness previously. This type appears after someone arrives in Jerusalem and it can be characterized by a religious character of the person. In this type there are also seen other behaviors in them including obsessions and compulsions such as:
    • The desire to leave the family and travel to Jerusalem.
    • Obsessions to be clean and compulsions such as nail cutting.
    • Need to say verses of Bible 
    • Nervousness, anxiety, etc.

In Conclusion

In simple words, Jerusalem syndrome is a mental condition related to a city named Jerusalem. That city is a holy place for some religions and this is why a lot of tourists visit Jerusalem every year. The affection and love with the city causes a syndrome known as Jerusalem syndrome and it has three types all described above.

If you have got any question about Jerusalem syndrome or any of its type feel free to use our comment box. We will be answering you as soon as possible.

You may also read about What is Stockholm Syndrome and what are its symptoms

What is Stockholm Syndrome and what are its symptoms

Stockholm syndrome image

What is Stockholm Syndrome:

Stockholm syndrome is a psychological feeling disorder which can develop the feeling of love to hostages towards their kidnappers. This feeling can develop during the time spent together between the kidnapper and the hostage.

Stockholm Syndrome Story:

In 1973 at the city of Stockholm in Sweden, some thieves after stealing a bank, kidnapped the workers of it. They kept them for a long time as their hostages, but also took care for them, by giving them proper food and water. As a result, a feeling of love developed in the hostages, which after they were released, they refused to give information about their kidnappers to the police.


The victims of Stockholm syndrome develop the feeling of love towards their kidnappers and can start hating the police or other authorities.

Popular Cases:

  • Stockholm Bank Robbery - Mentioned above 
  • Patty Hearst - The daughter of publisher William Hearst was kidnapped by an urban guerrilla group. She later denounced the police and also her family under her name. Also she was found working with the group who kidnapped her by helping them to rob banks. 
  • Yvonne Ridley - Sunday express reporter was kidnapped by Afghan Taliban group in 2001. Later on she was found frequenting mosques and practising Islamic rituals, however she refuses that she suffers from Stockholm syndrome by saying that it was her choice to convert to Islam.

Lima Syndrome:

Lima syndrome is similar to Stockholm syndrome, but in this case, the kidnapper develop love toward the hostage.


As a conclusion, this syndrome is mostly found in cases of kidnapping. The times that the hostages pass with their kidnappers impacts in developing love to them. After someone is diagnosed with Stockholm syndrome, he will refuse to give information about their kidnappers, and also can develop hate towards the police. The popular cases that are mentioned give a lot of evidence to the researchers.

Read also about How to treat people with Tourette syndrome

What is Anorexia and How to treat it

Knowing Anorexia and it's symptoms: 

Anorexia is a mental illness which can cause serious problems to human body and which can also threat the life of the people who suffer from it.

Anorexia is a part of three primary types of eating disorders.

The word "Anorexia" means no hunger, however this condition sometimes can be a total surrender from eating food.

The person who suffers from this disorder sometimes feel hungry and they can enjoy eating food, but they see their hunger as their biggest enemy.

Some researchers describe anorexia as a food phobia, but the most accepted definition is the conscious limitation of eating in order to not get fat and keep their body skinny.

Treatment for Anorexia:

There are several drugs which can help in improving anorexia which should be suggested by the psychiatric.

But as many of other psychological disorders, the best treatment for anorexia is the combination of psychotherapies with the pharmaceutical drugs.

Some common psychotherapies are: 

  • Interpersonal therapy - The therapist finds the social life issues of the person who suffers from anorexia and tries to resolve them.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy - This is based on the thoughts of the anorectic person, and the therapist encourages him to think in a more positive and realistic way, by avoiding the negative thoughts such as "putting more weight on my body would be the worst thing I could do in my life"
  • Family interventions - The therapy includes the family care. They should discuss with their anorectic child about how anorexia affected them.

To conclude, anorexia can be treated by the preceding therapies including the pharmaceutical drugs.

People who suffer from this disorder should visit the psychiatric doctor and a psychologist as soon as possible, in order to avoid the serious threats that anorexia can cause in their life.

How to treat people with Tourette syndrome

Knowing Tourette syndrome and it's symptoms

Tourette syndrome is a psychological tics disorder which is known for involuntary movements of certain muscles of the body. There are two types of tics, motor and vocal. The motor ones are the muscle tics and vocal one are in the form of shouting different phrases, including swearing words, which is also known as copralalia.

Tourette syndrome Treatment

As most of the mental disorders, Tourette syndrome has two kind of treatments, the psychotherapy treatment and the treatment with pharmaceutical drugs. The best treatment for tourette syndrome is the combination of the psychotherapy and the certain drugs which can help in improving the tics control.

Psychotherapy for Tourette syndrome

The most common psychotherapies for people with tourette syndrome are the breath counting psychotherapies. The psychologists suggest to use this technique because it helps in tic controlling and also relaxes the muscles of the body. The right way to do it is to sit in a comfortable chair or even lie in bed so the all muscles relax, and start taking breaths. After every time that you take a breath hold it and count from 1 to 10. The same thing you should do when you release breaths. 

Is there a certain drug for Tourette syndrome people

Although there is no certain drug for Tourette syndrome, there are antidepressants which can help in improvement of the tic controlling. These drugs also help in improving the level of neurotransmitters which impact in the development of the disorder. 

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Its Symptoms and Most Common Compulsions

What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder ?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is considered as an anxiety disorder characterized by repetitive rituals of different forms. The reason why they make these rituals is because they think that if they don't do it, something bad will happen.

Some common symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

  • Fear of making any mistake
  • Fear of harming the others
  • Fear of thinking evil thoughts
  • Fear of being embarrassed, etc...

Most common compulsions:

  • Repetitive bathing, showering or washing of the hands. 
  • Checking things in a repetitive way, such as locks.
  • Counting mentally or even aloud when performing routine tasks.
  • Food eating by order.
  • Repetitive words or religious prayers.
  • The need of performing a task in a certain number times.

The reason which cause obsessive compulsive disorder:

Although there is not a specific cause of obsessive compulsive disorder, studies and researches have shown that it is a combination of biological and environmental factors that effect on this disorder.
Biological factors: Brain is made of billion cells called neurons, and neurons communicate with each-other. The communication between cells is made by some kind of chemicals called neurotransmitters.  Before it was believed that low level of neurotransmitter serotonin may affect on the development of OCD, however recent studies show that there are also other biological factors that impact of the development of obsessive-compulsive disorder.    

Psychological Facts About Love

  1. Men with belly are less attractable to women, because they have less level of testosterone, this means their fertility is lower
  2. Men seem to to attracted more to women with the bone structure that it's inherited by their mother. In psychology this is called "Sexual Imprinting", which is a new term created by researchers.
  3. If you hold your hand with someone you love can help in relieving pain, stress and also fear.
  4. Couples are most likely to brake up in third to fifth month of their relationship.
  5. When you fall in love, your mind and body have a calming effect, which raises the level of nerve growth.
  6. Falling in love has similar neurological effects to cocaine. When you fall in love, or take a dose of cocaine, 12 areas of your brain will be stimulated.
  7. People look at beauty of the face more than the body when it comes to long term relationships. But if they look for fling it's the opposite.
  8. When a men meets a women in a dangerous situation, they will most likely fall in love. For example, if they meet in a water rafting the chances to fall in love are higher than meeting in a coffee shop.
  9. Events like divorce and break ups can affect not only your mind, but also your body. especially the heart. This is known as "Broken heart syndrome" by researchers, which can cause shorter breaths and chest pain.
  10. People who fall in love have similarities with people who suffer from OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). The level of serotonin of people who fall in love is the almost the same as the level of people with OCD.
  11. Studies show that you have four minutes to decide if you like someone or not.
  12. Women seem to like more the men who are liked by other women too.

Psychological Facts About Dreams

1) While dreaming you are not able to read or tell the exact time

To understand if you are dreaming or not, try to read something. Most of the people are not able to read in their dreams. While dreaming, you can't also tell the exact time.

2) Successful stories inspired by dreams

It may sound strange but many people found their inspiration in their dreams and now they have created some of the most successful companies in the world. A good example for this is the idea for creating google, by Larry Page, or the well known periodic table by Dimitri Mendeleyev. These are only two of many successful stories inspired by dreams.

3) Psychological facts about Lucid dreaming

We all know that dreams are not made by ourselves and that the body is paralyzed during dreaming, but there are some techniques, which some people use to take control of their dreams and do wonderful things like flying high in the sky, or jumping high, passing through walls and even go back in time.

4) Predictive dreams

It may have happened to some of us that had dreamed something and it happened in the future. This reminds us of Abraham Lincolns assassination, which he saw it in his dream before getting killed. This is a very strange phenomenon which yet is not explained well.

5) REM sleeping disorder

During Rapid Eye Movement period (REM) our body is paralyzed. However, some people act during their dreams and they wake up with a broken leg or arm.

6) Dreaming obsession

There are some people who like dreaming so much as they don't even want to wake up, but since it is impossible they take drug pills which help not only to fall asleep again, but also to dream more and better.

7) Can blind people dream?

This is a very frequent question that psychologists get, and the answer is yes. Blind people can also dream, but different than other people, their dreams are made of sounds and voices, so not made of image visualizations.